Time has come for the first public patch after the holidays. We have been hard at work polishing the core experience and have added additional features. A new feature is the ability to throw champagnebottles at each other. Now you need to watch your back even more while solving life and death interactions!

Added throwable champagne bottles. Knock out your fellow passengers from a distance!
New C.A.I.N. server level where you shut down the A.I.
New minigame to progress through the C.A.I.N. level - still needs balancing.
New audio occlusion layer for better sounding music and ambience transitions.
New UI icons for throwing champagne bottles, scanner, private chat etc.
Added C.A.I.N. AI computer system.
Multiple new computer systems, servers and electronic statics.
Removed holiday themed environments.
Added the capability for the Personoids to enter a private voice channel using “T”.
Added more setting goodies such as a ring planet, stars and light rays to simulate movement.
Reworked lighting in a range of levels. Still a work-in-progress.
Added more destruction, props and sense of life in the Mall level.
Added new sounds:
- Grab drink from table (with ‘drunk mode’)
- Emergency flush
- Foliage (when walking into bushes)
- Throwable bottle
- Physicalized props: bottles and chairs
Speakers now play music from a much bigger collection of old music
Added more physicalized objects to levels.
Made the hacking skill-check more difficult.
Reworked the wording on passenger logs to be more simple to relay and understand.
Added post-processing effect when drunk
Moved ragdoll system replication from server to local to fix physics replication
Added multiple LOD groups for objects
Fixed several UI errors not showing the correct info, vanishing at the wrong times, order etc.
Fixed various issues with the score screen not showing the correct end scenario.
Implemented additional measures to counteract the player running out of VRAM on level streaming.
Symbol puzzle tweaks and fixes.
Implemented several VOIP tweaks and fixes.
Fixed Vivox shut off when ending game.
Fixed camera teleport player orientations
And many, many more..